Based in Spokane, WA, Dr. Joseph Kincaid earned his doctor of medicine from the University of Washington and is board certified with the American Board of Pediatrics. Dr. Joseph Kincaid serves as a community pediatrician and maintains membership with the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP).
Established in 1933, ABP operates as an independent organization dedicated to promoting excellence within pediatric medicine. The group offers a range of volunteer opportunities for its members, who are pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists. Three ways to volunteer are explained here:
Serving on the exam committee for general pediatrics
This role involves working alongside your peers to create training and certification programs and exams for continuing certification in general pediatrics. Nominees for the role must commit to a six-year term and be board-certified in general pediatrics or a subspecialty of the field.
Participating in focus groups
Being a member of a focus group involves giving feedback on topics ranging from pediatric education to continuing certification training programs. Participants may take part one or more times throughout a year.
Testing virtual products
Performing evaluations of websites and digital products can be completed as an individual. Participants can choose which tasks to complete upon request and opt-out of completing these tasks at any time.